April Nursery News: What’s Popping, What’s Peaked and What’s Waiting


                                                                What’s Popping

What we’re loving this month, just because they’re looking rather lovely, are Wild May (Leptospermum polygalifolium), plus all of our pea type flower species like Pultenaea, Hovea and Oxylobium are just looking great and perfect for planting right now.


What’s Peaked

We are on our last few 50mm tubes of Saltbush (Atriplex muelleri) and this means that we won’t have any in the nursery until we can source more seed locally. We also don’t have any Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) so if you have access to cutting material or seed please do get in touch with us.


What’s waiting

Grass Tree seedlings are almost ready……almost! We will have 4 local species to sell very soon, thanks to a very kind donation from a professional local grower….we ask that you respect their special price also, these species are going to be a bit higher than normal seedlings.

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