Blockies 2021 Course!!!

You’ve all been waiting for it, but wait no longer because the Blockies Course is back for 2021!

Owning a rural block gives you the opportunity to start an agricultural venture or hobby farm, maintain habitat for wildlife or create your dream living space. It also brings responsibilities to regenerate soil, manage animals, minimise fire risks, maintain fences and manage vegetation and water resources.

Over ten consecutive weeks Gympie Landcare will provide you with tools to manage your property in a holistic way. It is our hope that you will use the tools that are appropriate for your context creating an abundant and vibrant landscape.

What to expect on field trips For field sessions, participants must have the capacity to walk through paddocks and to stand for reasonable periods.  Walking will not be arduous nor on particularly steep grades. Please wear walking shoes, a hat and sunscreen. While water will be available at tea breaks for convenience please bring a water bottle. As there is likely to be long grass and weeds, long trousers are  recommended.

Your presenters  The program will be delivered by professionals, public servants and community members with specialist knowledge in their field. Many presenters have a rural block in the Gympie Region bringing first hand experience of managing a property.  In addition to the structured learning sessions, participants have the opportunity to share experience with.

To view the full 10 week schedule, please click here.


Our 10 week session registration has now closed, however, if you would like to attend single sessions you can contact us on 5483 8866, to register. Casual sessions must be discussed with our team first for payment options.

Payment of the course fee will confirm your place in the course. Payment can be made at our office, via direct deposit, or over the phone (2.2% surcharge applies).

Casual participation in  particular sessions will be possible if space is available, however, priority will be given to people choosing to register for the full course.



Casual sessions $60 per session

Non Members:

Casual sessions $80 per session

Course payment includes, morning tea and online access to course notes and handouts.

Limit: 25 participants.

Note: Due to COVID restrictions and limited availability, children are not able to attend our Blockies course. Please ensure to organise alternative arrangements for your children during the course as child minding services are not available at Gympie Landcare.



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