Recent Newsletters
Click on the link below to access a printable copy of the newsletters. A newsletter archive is available below from previous years.

News From Bio-Control
We have been extremely busy lately ensuring our insects are given the best environment to thrive in. Given the weather of late, has been a

News from the Nursery
So, what’s been happening in the Nursery you might ask? It’s been a great season for planting so far. A cooler wet summer has made

Celebrating Eucalypts in March – Come and take advantage of our Specials
We are celebrating Eucalypts in March in honour of National Eucalypt Day on Wednesday 23 March 2022. Come in and buy a few for your

Thank You For Volunteering at Gympie Landcare
We want to say a massive thank you to all our valued volunteers. You bring a wealth

Disaster Flooding Through SEQ March, 2022
Have you been seriously affected by the recent flood events? Please find information and resources below that may be of assistance to our community during

Meet our Environmental & Conservation Team March 2022
[one-half-first] [one-half-first] Our team, Jon, Keith, Tim, Hayley, and our newest staff member Nakkita, haven’t stopped since The Mary

Gift Vouchers
Searching for gift ideas? Gift Vouchers are available for purchase, simply click here. Alternatively you can purchase vouchers over the counter in our retail space

It’s All About the Bees!
We are proud to feature a fantastic article about bees, thanks to Qld Beekeepers Association and Valley Bees, with everything you need to know from

The Wonders of Worms
Good garden health starts with good soil and one of the easiest ways to improve soil health is to add organic matter, especially in the

Careful dung beetle management will help the environment and the bottom line, experts say
By Jennifer Nichols Published by ABC Rural, 19/09/2021 Landholders could unwittingly be killing some of the most valuable members of their herd by failing to

September is Save The Koala Month
By Michelle Daly (Koala Action Gympie Region) Published by The Local Gympie & Surrounds News, 01/09/2021 We are indeed lucky in our region to be

Help keep our Mary River Turtles safe
Our very special Mary River Turtle and their eggs and hatchlings are in danger and need our help. It’s around this time of year that