This event has now been cancelled, in order to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to protect our staff, customers and members of the public as much as possible.
Gympie & District Landcare Group Incorporated (GDLG) are closely monitoring the State Government announcements and health advice issued by Queensland Health relating to COVID-19.There is no specific treatment for the COVID-19 infection and those who are elderly or have underlying respiratory conditions are vulnerable to contracting the virus.
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Come for a day or the whole weekend!
Fraser Island Defenders and Cooloola Coastcare are holding another BioBlitz from 20th March 2020 to 22nd March 2020.
The BioBlitz is a 48 hour period of biological surveying in an attempt to expand the records of all the plant and animal species within the Cooloola Coast. Scientists, naturalists and volunteers like you conduct the survey in small groups.
Base camp: Rainbow Beach Community Hall.
Expert Leaders: Expert scientists and naturalists will lead your group into the field to locate and identify all living things in a range of habitats. No experience or special skills required to participate.
Age: Teens to retirees. Open to locals and out-of-town visitors.
Diverse magnificent pristine natural environments: Beach, bush, lakes, estuaries, sand blow, perched lakes, fens. In the Great Sandy Biosphere and National Parks.
Informative presentations by knowledgeable experts: Free evening presentations by scientists, open to the public.
Dinners and social gatherings: Friday and Saturday night dinners with scientists. Brown bag lunches available to pre-order.
For more information and how to register, please contact Lindy Orwin on 0478 039 322 or email coordinator@cooloolacoastcare.org.au
Info & tickets: www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au/projects/bioblitz