Gympie Landcare’s Achievements

We were one of the first Landcare groups established in the state.  At first the focus was on erosion and site restoration under management mainly by graziers.  With the formation of a strong local grazier group and the provision of federal grants mainly for environmental work the focus shifted to weed removal and revegetation projects and the group became more urban/rural.  Nevertheless, we run educational schools to inform rural dwellers of good practice on the land.  We developed a fine nursery noted for the availability of local material and opened a biological control facility early this century raising insects to attack what later became Weeds of National Significance.  We now raise a bug, a beetle and a moth to attack cats claw creeper and a beetle to attack Madeira vine, becoming the leading non-governmental agency in the state and having increased our production capabilities in co-operation with other agencies including the Macadamia Nut Society.  Our contract services now generate considerable income with their weed-control and vegetation planting activities often in partnership with the local Council.

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