Junior Landcare News: The Three R’s

We have now officially resumed our Junior Landcare sessions on Thursday afternoons, and the last couple of weeks has seen us learning all about “The Three R’s” – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

The wonderful Miss Elli from Cleanaway joined us to teach us all about what we can and can’t recycle in our yellow household recycling bins.

Elli taught us a lot about rubbish and recycling, and even busted a few common recycling myths for us!

Another thing we learnt is that Australia is the second-highest producer of waste of all the countries in the world and therefore it is extremely important that we take action now to reduce our waste and re-use as much as we can.

Can you guess what the highest waste-producing country in the world is?           (The answer can be found below) 🙂

We then followed on from this lesson by making some “re-used artwork” tile mosaic garden pots! The purpose of this was to show the children first-hand how we can create something new and unique from a piece of rubbish that would have otherwise ended up in landfill.

The amazing Elaine and her team from Bunnings Warehouse Gympie kindly provided us with some terracotta pots to decorate, as well as the glue and grout that we needed.

Megan and the team from Cooloola Tile Company, and Katrina from Crescent Discount Tiles also kindly donated a whopping amount of old and broken tile pieces for us to use for this activity.


A big big thank you to these local businesses for their support of these lessons!



The answer to the question above is…… the United States of America.

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