The team at Landcare Australia hopes this communication finds you safe and well in what is a challenging time for many.
As you are no doubt aware, the current bushfires in Australia are at an unprecedented scale and have significantly impacted the environment and communities in many parts of the country. Millions of hectares of land have been devastated, with an estimated loss of more than one billion native animals, thousands of homes have been destroyed and lives tragically lost.
We applaud and thank the amazing work of Australia’s fire-fighting and emergency response services, so reliant at these times on volunteer effort.
Landcare Australia recognises that with global average temperature continuing to rise, climate-related emergencies such as the current bushfires, and recent flood and rain events, can be expected to increase in their frequency and intensity and occur over longer time periods. With the increasing impacts of climate change and extreme natural disasters, Australia’s communities, landscape, and biodiversity are under enormous pressure.
Landcare Australia has developed a statement to outline Landcare’s critical role in the immediate, medium and long-term response to natural disasters such as bushfires. The statement outlines how Landcare groups assist during bushfire recovery, what Landcare Australia is doing to support local Landcare groups and communities in affected areas, as well as what individuals and organisations can do to support.
The statement is available on the Landcare Australia website here.
As a part of our response to the current bushfires, Landcare Australia has commenced raising funds to a specific Landcare Australia Bushfire & Natural Disaster Recovery Fund to support Landcare communities in affected areas. Landcare Australia is a registered charity with the ACNC and has DGR status, so all donations above $2 are tax-deductible.
Landcare Australia is committed to supporting Landcare groups and networks to best support their bushfire-affected communities. Landcare Australia will:
- conduct fundraising activities with corporate partners, governments and interested individuals designed to provide much-needed funding and support for community Landcare group recovery activities
- provide community grant funding in the coming months from raised funds for fencing, revegetation, habitat restoration, and local community workshops. The size and amount of community grants available will depend on the success of fundraising activities
- mobilise volunteers to Landcare groups in the affected communities
- provide information for Landcare groups and impacted landholders on where support is available and how to access it.
If you are a Landcare group or any other community group in an area impacted by bushfires or other natural disasters, we would like to help you find the information, resources, and funding you need to carry out restoration and recovery activities in your community. Please see our support for groups page for more information.
On behalf of the team at Landcare Australia, we would like to thank the landcare groups and volunteers for your hard work supporting the farmers, landholders, and individuals in your community.
Yours sincerely,
Doug Humann AM
Chair, Landcare Australia