River To Rail Trail Working Bee – Volunteers Required
A joint initiative of Gympie Landcare Group, MRCCC & Gympie Regional Council
Thursday 18th February 2021, 7:30am to 10:00am
at the Cavanagh Park / Albert Park River Access
(See map below)
Our local River To Rail Trail is a wonderful asset to our community!
Madeira Vine is a weed of serious concern throughout the Mary River catchment.
We need your help to assist us in controlling Madeira Vine, which is growing far too enthusiastically along this section of the Mary River.
We will be hand-weeding and bagging young Madeira plants and plan on having an enjoyable morning together, making a positive difference to our local community.
For safety wear shoes and long trousers, & be sun safe. Bring garden gloves, secateurs, small digging tools & drinking water.
** Parking is available at the Albert Park Touch Football Grounds **