Members are invited to the next member meeting to be held on 3 August 2019 at 9am. We are excited to introduce the new members of the Board and share the organisation successes and challenges of the past quarter. Going forward we will showcase some of the work done by our members on their properties, for this meeting we kick-off with Janelle Vaughan talking about what is happening on her property. At our last gathering we had some excellent discussions and suggestions with regard to our organisation and we hope to continue the exchange of ideas. The proposed agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Welcome
- Guest speaker – Janelle Vaughan
- Appointment of the Auditors for the financial year
- Overview of the organisation successes & challenges in the past quarter
- Member agenda items
- Questions & Discussions
Please provide your agenda items to the Secretary via email – please call the office for the email address as we do not advertise emails on our website due to spam emails.
For catering purposes, please RSVP by Monday, 29 July 2019, to our office on 5483 8866.
We look forward to connecting with you and sharing a cup of tea.