Listed below are some useful apps and websites that can help you identify the flora and fauna in your backyard.
Free Version: Yes, take 25 free photos a day that could identify what is the most likely species of your plant and a list of possible other species. You can read through the feed to see other peoples interesting plant species as well as add your own or look through the websites database for information on plant species.
Premium: Yes, you can take unlimited photos a day, no ads, view all posted PlantSnap photos world-wide on the map, 24/7 access to expert advice, access to web-based version.
Large Australian database: Low
Social Feed: Yes
Process of Identification: Photos are run through a data base
Cost of Premium Version:
$1.49/month ($3.09 after 3 months)
$7.99/year ($19.99 after the first year)
$14.99 for a lifetime
Review: Having a database of over 585,000 plant species and a team of botanists that work through identifying all the species that get sent through, this app is extremely useful for most plant species, however, is unlikely to pick out less-cultivated plant species.
Free version: Yes, this app is completely free.
Premium: No
Large Australian database: Medium
Social feed: Yes
Process of Identification: Photos are run through a data base categorised by leaf, bark, flower, etc. You can then decide to contribute your image to the database in which it will be validated by the community and added to help identify other plants.
Cost: None
Review: This database system, run by users all over the world, is very effective at identifying all sorts of plants and can help identify some rarer species.
Free Version: Yes, can donate or buy from the iNat store
Premium: No
Large Australian database: High
Social Feed: Yes
Process of Identification: Database specified for Australian flora and fauna, also able to be identified by other users.
Cost: None
Review: This app has many features including a crew of 400,000 scientists to help identify, observations made near you mapped out, list of groups relating to flora and fauna near you, guides on identification of flora and fauna in certain areas, a social feed of news on flora and fauna worldwide and missions to look for certain flora and fauna that can be found in your area, extremely accurate.
Free version: Yes
Premium: No
Large Australian database: High
Social Feed: No
Process of Identification: Self-identification based on images or database based on several questions and audio.
Cost: None
Review: A useful tool when frog hunting, this app features a specified frog identification database with audio recording as a main system and images of local frog species to help identify if you are lucky enough to spot one.
Aust Birds
Free version: Yes
Premium: No
Large Australian database: High
Social Feed: No
Process of Identification: Self-identify through filters
Cost: None
Review: A lot easier instead of carrying a big book around with you, including 805 Australian bird species, this app is definitely a great source of information, although not quite as fancy as some of the other apps, this app is very efficient.
Field Guide Queensland
Free Version: Yes
Premium: No
Large Australian database: High
Social Feed: No
Process of Identification: Self-identification.
Cost: None
Review: This app contains around 510 native Queensland species, although not many species are included it can be an easy reference to some of Queensland’s more common species.