Did you know that ALL Queenslanders have a ‘general biosecurity obligation’ (GBO) under Queensland’s Biosecurity Act 2014.
This means that everyone is responsible for managing biosecurity risks that are under their control and that they should reasonably be expected to know about.
Under the GBO, individuals and organisations whose activities pose a biosecurity risk must:
- take all reasonable and practical steps to prevent or minimise each biosecurity risk
- minimise the likelihood of causing a ‘biosecurity event ’, and limit the consequences if such an event is caused
- prevent or minimise the harmful effects a risk could have, and not do anything that might make any harmful effects worse.
What are ‘biosecurity risks’ and ‘biosecurity events’?
A biosecurity risk is the risk that exists when you deal with:
- any pest, disease or contaminant
- something that could carry a pest, disease or contaminant (eg. animals, plants, soil, machinery, etc.)
A biosecurity event is an event that:
- has, or may have, a significant harmful effect on human health, social amenity, the economy, or the environment and
- is caused by a pest, disease or contaminant.
How we can assist:
Gympie & District Landcare Group’s Environmental Conservation Team offer contract services which can assist you in meeting your biosecurity obligations.
With the high prevalence of local weeds in our region, such as Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and Cat’s Claw Creeper, it is extremely important to treat these species before an infestation develops.
Our team are committed to providing the best environmental outcomes to the community through a range of specialist land care services. These services include:-
- Environmental Property Consultancies – including vegetation surveys and land management advice.
- Pest Management & Environmental Works Plans
- Bushland Regeneration including advice on species selection, the supply of native tube stock, labour, watering, and maintenance.
- Riparian Restoration
- Native Timber Establishment, Environmental & Carbon offsets & Maintenance
- Revegetation
- Vegetation Maintenance
- Weed Removal utilising a quick spray unit, knapsack spot spraying and tree spears for woody weeds.
For more information about accessing these services, please contact our office on (07) 5483 8866.
To read more about General Biosecurity and your obligations, please click here.
Information in this article relating to biosecurity has been supplied by the Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/biosecurity/policy-legislation-regulation/biosecurity-act-2014/general-biosecurity-obligation)