Gympie Landcare Wholesale Nursery

Growing for a Healthy Biosphere

Committed to our Plants and our Customers
Whether you are revegetating an ecosystem, planting a shelterbelt or creating a beautiful and resilient landscape, Gympie Landcare’s Wholesale Nursery can help. We take great pride in both our plants and our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our experienced team is available to assist with plant selection and provide advice on planting and care for a successful outcome.
Growing for (almost) Everywhere
Being based in the dry subtropics, our nursery is fortunate to be able to grow an exceptionally wide range of species suitable for sub-tropical, tropical, temperate and arid ecosystems. We also grow more specialised species, such as those required for riparian restoration, as well as endangered species. And of course, we also grow a wide range of endemic plants suited to our very own Great Sandy Biosphere.
Growing for Strength - Growing to Last
Our seedlings are grown from seed and raised outdoors and to natural conditions, allowing for well-adapted, robust plants ready for immediate planting in their natural environment. Many of our plants are also grown from responsibly sourced local seeds ensuring high genetic diversity.

Contract Growing

With a plant carrying capacity of 160,000 tubestock and more than 30 years of growing experience, we are able to grow for any size project, whether your goal is to create a beautiful and sustainable landscape or large-scale ecosystem restoration. We are also able to grow a variety of sizes, from 40mm tubestock to maxipots. Talk to us today about your requirements.


Ordering from us is easy – we will include you and/or whoever you nominate as a recipient in our regular emails indicating current wholesale stock.

If you have specific contract growing needs, please contact our nursery:


07 5483 8866


Please ring our office number


to discuss your needs.
Delivery can be arranged if required.

Community, Sustainability AND Social Responsibility

As a verified non-profit social enterprise with competitive wholesale pricing, we make it easy for councils, businesses and other organisations to not only source native plants for their projects but also support your sustainability and social responsibility goals, as well as government social procurement targets. 

And as a Gympie Landcare customer you are also supporting a local community-based organisation which aims to support and advance both our community and our environment.

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