Our Story
Welcome to Gympie & District Landcare
At Gympie Landcare, we are focussed on making a difference. Driven by our vision of a healthy and abundant biosphere, we aim for positive outcomes for the environment, our community and kindred organisations.
We aim to achieve this through a three-prong focus:
- restoring our natural environment through bush regeneration;
- shifting our local food production systems to regenerative practices; and
- encouraging our communities and businesses to adopt sustainable ways of living and working.

Environmental Services
Our professional and highly qualified Environment and Conservation (E&C) team are committed to providing the best outcomes through a range of specialist land care services.

Education & Engagement
We offer a range of soil health workshops (all ages) as well as a comprehensive cats claw control workshop. Watch this space as a comprehensive community education program is coming!
get involved
Join us as a member for exclusive benefits; volunteer for a positive future; donate to help us help our community; or sponsor our education program.
Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Aboriginal lands in the Gympie Region: the Gubbi Gubbi people, the Badtjala people and the Waka Waka people, as well as the many other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across Australia. We respectfully acknowledge all Elders past, present and emerging.
We acknowledge that respecting and caring for the health of the natural environment owes the roots of its theory and practice to Indigenous and traditional knowledges, from all over the world, but, for the Gympie Region, especially these groups with their deep roots in local soil.

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